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How to develop a reading habit in your child?

by Lokesh Dhiran, 24 Jul 2024

Encouraging a love for reading in your child is one of the most important things you can do to support their education and intellectual development. Here are some tips to encourage reading in your child:

Start early: Begin reading to your child as early as possible. Even newborns can benefit from being read to, and as they grow, they will learn to associate reading with comfort and enjoyment.

Make it fun: Choose books that are age-appropriate and that your child will find interesting. Use funny voices, ask questions, and engage your child in the story to make reading a fun and interactive experience.

Create a reading nook: Designate a special spot in your home for reading, such as a cozy corner with comfortable seating and good lighting. This will help your child associate reading with relaxation and comfort.

Be a reading role model: Let your child see you reading and enjoying books. Children are more likely to emulate the behaviors they see modeled by their parents and caregivers. Seeing my book collection definitely helped Unnati. She is working towards surpassing my book collection and create her own library. Judging by the rate at which she is going, she will surpass me before she is 15. (She is 10 right now). I am not complaining :)

Make reading a regular part of your routine: Set aside a regular time each day for reading, such as before bed or after dinner. This will help establish reading as a regular habit. For me and Unnati, reading was always a before bed routine. I have been reading and telling her stories since she was barely a year old. 

Offer incentives: Provide incentives for reading, such as allowing your child to stay up 10 minutes later if they read for 20 minutes before bed.

Visit the library: Take your child to the library regularly and let them choose books that interest them. This will help foster a love of reading and an appreciation for books.

Remember, the key to encouraging reading in your child is to make it a positive, enjoyable experience that they look forward to. By doing so, you will help your child develop a lifelong love of learning and reading.

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